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Leonardo Collection | vinciana editriceVia V. Foppa, 14 20144 Milano - Italia tel. +39 (02)
Leonardo Collection | vinciana editriceVia V. Foppa, 14 20144 Milano - Italia tel. +39 (02)
Sallust - WikipediaHis brief monographs – his work on Catiline, for example, is shorter than the shortest of Livy's volumes – were the first books of their form attested at Rome. 41
Antonio Giordano - WikipediaAntonio Giordano is the son of Giovan Giacomo Giordano (1925–2010), an oncologist and pathologist of Maria Teresa Sgambati. He graduated with a degree in Medicine at the University of Naples in 1986 and later specialized
Music genre - WikipediaA microgenre is a niche genre, 13 as well as a subcategory within major genres or their subgenres.
Götz von Berlichingen - WikipediaWhen invited to surrender by the Swabian League, Götz reportedly said of the Swabian general: He can lick my ass! This anecdote helped popularise the phrase, which came to be called the Swabian salute in his honour.
Manuali Tecnici Leonardo | vinciana editriceVia V. Foppa, 14 20144 Milano - Italia tel. +39 (02)
Bangalore - WikipediaCon l'indipendenza dell'India nel 1947 Bangalore divenne un grande centro industriale con industrie quali l'Hindustan Aeronautics Limited e l'Indian Space Research Organisation.
Condizionatore d'aria - WikipediaLe unità interne poi possono essere distinte in cinque tipologie costruttive:
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